Does Disease Begin in the School Lunch Room?

Does Disease Begin in the School Lunch Room?
According to the American Obesity Association, approximately 30 percent of children ages 6 to 19 are overweight and 15 percent are obese. Rates of obesity-related diseases—such as type-2 diabetes, asthma and hypertension—are rapidly rising in young people.This is why the school cafeteria should be part of the remedy rather than contributing to the problem. Unlike meat, eggs and dairy products, plant-based foods contain no cholesterol and have been shown to reverse heart disease. Researchers have found that a vegetarian diet rich in soy and soluble fiber can reduce cholesterol levels by as much as one-third. David Jenkins, professor of nutrition and metabolism at the University of Toronto, has reported that “the evidence is pretty strong that vegans, who eat no animal products, have the best cardiovascular health profile and the lowest cholesterol levels.”
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I agree that plant based foods are really nice to our health and especially for our heart.

This is believe is true. It’s not all the time that school lunch room or the cafeteria is the safest and healthiest place to eat. This is a good information that parents should be aware of. Thanks for sharing this!
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I agree with you. Hope lots of parents can read this…